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THIS volume is issued in accordance with a plan formed by MR. SPURGEON; indeed, he had already prepared for the press the greater part of the material here published, and the rest of his manuscripts have been inserted after only slight revision. It was his intention to deliver to the students of the Pastors' College a short course of Lectures upon what he termed "that most royal employment"—SOUL-WINNING,—and, having completed the series, he purposed to collect his previous utterances to other audiences upon the same theme, and to publish the whole for the guidance of all who desired to become soul-winners, and with the hope also of inducing many more professing Christians to engage in this truly blessed service for the Saviour. This explanation will account for the form in which the topic is treated in the present book. The first six chapters contain the College Lectures; then follow four Addresses delivered to Sunday-school teachers, open-air preachers, and friends gathered at Monday evening prayer-meetings at the Tabernacle. For more than forty years, MR. SPURGEON was, by his preaching and writing, one of the greatest soul-winners; and by his printed words he still continues to be the means of the conversion of many all over the world. It is believed, therefore, that thousands will rejoice to read what he spoke and wrote concerning what he called "the chief business of the Christian minister." Publisher’s Note: This book was produced by a team of hard-working volunteers in an effort to keep books of antiquity alive and well among our modern day readers. We are grateful for the hard work and effort that went into the reproduction of these classics. We make a concerted effort to achieve a high quality product while at the same time offering these precious books at lower prices to reach the widest readership possible. Our prayer is that you will find them honoring to the name of Christ and share these rich Christian books with others.

The Soul Winner

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