Think of this book as “the ultimate chick lit--a book every woman should read,” say its authors. Yes, women, on average, live longer than men and earn (and consequently save) less than men do. But Making Bread’s heroine isn’t waiting for Prince Charming to rescue her. She has a career that challenges and satisfies her, a savings account for emergencies and a retirement account invested for her long-term security, She may even own her own castle.
If you’re not that financially independent woman yet, this empowering book can help you get there, reviewers agree. An inspirational mix of real women’s stories and expert advice, it’s the definitive financial resource for the young woman starting out, the 30-year-old balancing career and family, and the 60-year-old nearing retirement.
The electronic edition of Making Bread is replete with live links to the latest information on the impact of health care reform on women and children, Social Security--and when to take it, college savings options and more. You’ll find information on how to protect yourself financially if you’re single and living together, a “Marriage and Money Quiz,” and important issues to consider before taking a leave from your career to become a stay-at-home parent. You’ll also find “6 Questions to Ask Before Spending a Dime” and “Top 20 Songs” to listen to while paying your bills.
Everything in the book is geared to help you begin to think about money—and the power of money in your life—in new ways. Its key takeaway message: “The best gift you can give yourself is money in the bank. It buys you freedom of choice and freedom from worry." Who can argue with that?
PUBLISHERS WEEKLY: The book, written in the casual, witty style of chick-lit, offers sound advice on financial matters. Organized by life stages, it is equally informative for the teenager trying to save babysitting money as for the divorcee who’s working out a retirement plan, and ultimately the advice for each is the same—saving money “is the best gift you can give yourself.”
KIRKUS REVIEWS: From the founding and contributing editors of MAKING BREAD magazine, a one-stop reference for women who want to be smart with their dough. Starting with some sobering statistics about the financial state of many females, the authors point out that women live longer than men and save less. And, of course, there’s that damn wage gap. From there, the book launches into many strategies for saving and spending wisely, all delivered in a catchy, accessible magazine style. Wide-ranging advice for a huge audience, with specifics for any reader.
ABOUT THE AUTHORS: Gail Harlow is the Founding Editor of MAKING BREAD, a digital women's finance magazine. Prior to founding the magazine, she was an editor for TV Guide and Reader's Digest. Elizabeth Lewin is a financial planner and contributing editor to MAKING BREAD. She is the author of several personal finance books, including "Family Finance" and "Financial Fitness for Living Together." Many other women contributed their financial advice and perspectives to the book, including Victoria Secunda, Patricia Schiff Estess, Elizabeth Kaminsky, Sharon Sorokin James, Rosemary Rys, Allison Acken, Marcia Eckerd and Laurie Lesser.
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SKU: 9780762422012
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